Follow your heart, the wise ones say.
Easier said than done, I say.
And I said it so many times, resisting the whispers of my soul,
until the dryness inside me became unbearable.
My flesh, this sacred vessel, was alive, barely, but my soul had retired somewhere —
I didn’t know where.
It was waiting for me to choose to be alive again.
The invisible golden threads of Spirit rescued me, and the message was clear
‘enough of this nonsense, woman, if you don’t value yourself, who will?’
No one will, that’s the truth.
And I chose to honour myself, I wouldn’t feel small anymore.
I cried tears of relief and deep pain, it is not easy to leave a loved one.
But hearts aim high, and mine wasn’t stopping there.
The whispers invited me to leave the country that had been home for 15 years,
and to embrace the profession I had been getting ready for with all my soul.
The direction was clear, and the fear intense; everything was changing.
What is my future going to look like? But what future?
Isn’t life the present moment, the wise ones say?
I kept returning to the present, breathing, listening to my heart,
this stubborn, brave heart of mine that refuses to believe I cannot fly higher.
There are days when I celebrate my courage to pursue my dreams, and I rejoice in Spirit.
There are days when the little one inside me is too scared of not knowing,
and I surrender to Spirit.
I remind myself that I am being carried by the invisible golden threads
that ask me to follow my heart.
The heart is where the soul lives, the wise ones say. I know it.
The more I embrace the fullness of my heart, with all its wounds, pains, bliss and joy,
the more space I create for my soul to expand, and the easier it is to live,
be and speak my truth.
And what is my truth if not the capacity for my soul to express itself
in its magnificence in all aspects of my mundane life?Â
Wherever you are today, rejoicing or surrendering, keep going.
Breathe, dance, seek nature, meditate, connect with a friend, call your therapist.
Help is abundant, be wise and use it.
And remember that we chose to be here at this challenging time on Earth,
whether you believe it or not - your soul knows.
Honour its mission.Â
Keep choosing life over and over and over again.
Be bold.Â
Stand tall.Â
Be you, fiercely you.Â
Your soul deserves it.Â
And you are your soul.Â
If you would like support or company in listening to your heart - reach out to Karina or any of our open-hearted therapists at this months Community Clinic.