Over the course of our training, we heard this often..
"we heal the heart in the manner of the heart".
A Malcom Ringwalt quote was referenced too 'as you believe in your heart, so shall you experience'.
Both of these poetic phrases point to an evolved human awareness of healing.
But what does it really mean?
First, we need to listen in to what 'heart' really means, for us, as individuals. For some it might mean patience, love, acceptance, resilience. For others it might stir up feelings of heart-break, lost love, pain.. times where the heart has been available and leading but hurt in the process. Attacked or shamed from the outside and the sometime pain of vulnerability has been felt.
If the heart were truly allowed to lead - what would it do? What would it say? What advice would it give on our individual healing? If we were to be quiet for a moment and drop into our heart-space - which is always alive, present and available, reliably beating throughout our entire lifetime - what would we feel?
You might have heard the buzz healing words of our time, 'grief' 'process' 'trauma' 'felt-sense'. It's great that these terms are buzzing - the heart is present in all of them, particularly the felt sense. The heart is like the grand-master of the feeling body... the body that goes beyond the physical body, or even the emotional body (the black and white energy of reaction and response), the heart delves into the ocean of nuance.. the hugely grey area where there are an infinite number of shades.
What if there were to be a ruler of self with this breadth of understanding? What if this were to be your ruler? The ruler of your own self. The heart leader.
The manner of the heart, might be something like, Listening. Deep listening. Receptivity. Compassionate awareness. The ever burning flame of love exisiting within each person. Listening not just to words, but to longing, yearning, the part of us that wants to heal, and knows how to.. because it yearns for what it needs. It knows of a life where a healed version of ourselves exists, and points us towards that path.. always.
All our therapists are trained and passionate about Listening in this way. To hold a space where the heart of the seeker is honoured and beheld, appreciated and respected in such a way that its wisdom can be heard. Sometimes that can take a while... sometimes the heart's voice is hidden under protective layers of stories, reasons, blame, shame or confusion. Thats ok. In fact, that is more than OK. That is human, that is the culture of our past.. and part of the heart after all.
And what would the heart say to that shame? What would the heart say to that confusion? What would the heart say to the culture of our past? Would it rush for clarity? Or quick-fix solutions? Or might it say something like "I hear you. I feel you. I see you. And all of it, ALL of it, is welcome here. Let it feel my warmth. Let it be in my circle".
If you are interested in seeing what your heart has to say when held in a safe, compassionate space book in for a healthy chat with one of our open-hearted therapists.
"I hear you. I feel you. I see you. And all of it, ALL of it, is welcome here. Let it feel my warmth. Let it be in my circle" - ALL THE WAY! :)
Beautiful Michelle ❤️
Love everything about this approach 💓